
Change Management Blog

Developing A Change Management Communication Plan

October 16, 2023

Racha Kabbani: Change Management Professional

Time to Read: 2 Min


Change Management Communication Plan


Developing an effective Change Management communication plan is crucial for the success of any organizational change initiative, especially during ERP implementations


Here are 6 key tips to create a comprehensive and impactful communication plan:

  1. Integration with Overall Change Management Strategy: Ensure that your communication plan is not a standalone document but an integral part of your broader Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategy. It should seamlessly align with other OCM components such as sponsorship, resistance management, and end-user workshops and training plans. When all aspects work together cohesively, it results in a holistic approach to change management.

  2. Dedicated Communication Team: Assemble a dedicated communication team comprising stakeholders from various levels and departments within the organization. This team should include skilled communicators who can effectively convey messages to different audience segments. They should deeply understand the current and future state of the organization, assess its change readiness, and foster a culture of openness to new ideas and technologies.

  3. Individualization of Messaging: Recognize that Change Management operates at the individual employee level. Different employees may have varying perspectives and levels of readiness regarding the change. Avoid one-size-fits-all messaging and tailor your communication plan to accommodate these differences. Understand where each employee stands in the change cycle, from awareness to ability, and customize messages accordingly.

  4. Promote Two-Way Communication: Encourage open dialogue and meaningful conversations by avoiding overly top-down communication. Instead of using terms like "us" and "we," focus on listening to employees' questions, concerns, and feedback. Create opportunities for bottom-up communication, allowing end-users to share insights, suggestions, and pain points related to the change. This engagement can lead to valuable insights and increased support for the project.

  5. Continuous Communication: Plan your communication strategy to cover all phases of the project, providing timely and relevant information at key intervals. Communicate updates about project milestones and share the outcomes of previous project phases. Consistent communication is vital for maintaining employee engagement, especially when challenges arise. Reiterate the benefits of the change to remind employees why the effort is worthwhile.

  6. Document your communication activities: like everything in Change Management, document your activities, what worked well and what no. These will come in handy for future Change Management Plans.


Change Management is a lot more than just communications.

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