
Change Management Blog

8 Tips for End User Training

January 29, 2023

Time to Read: 3 Min


Crafting an Effective End User Training Strategy: 8 Key Tips


Implementing organizational changes can be met with resistance as most individuals tend to resist change. To successfully navigate significant organizational changes, such as an ERP implementation or business transformation, it is crucial to prepare and equip employees. A well-structured end user training strategy is a vital component of an effective organizational Change Management plan. Change Management encompasses the actions needed to address the "people side" of change, fostering a culture where your workforce can readily embrace new technologies and business processes.

Surprisingly, one ERP Report in 2019 revealed that less than half of companies included customized training as part of their project activities. 


To guide you in developing a robust training strategy for your team members in preparation for your ERP implementation or business transformationwe have compiled eight invaluable tips:

  1. Secure Executive Buy-In: Ensure that executives comprehend the significance of Change Management and the necessary activities for its success. It is vital to establish realistic expectations regarding employee training concerning budget, timeline, and resource allocation.
  2. Underinvest, Don't Overlook: In all our project involvements, we have never encountered a situation where a company invested too much in training. Rather than seeking cost-saving measures by trimming Change Management activities, focus on making employees comfortable with change. This approach ultimately reduces overall costs and enhances long-term ROI.
  3. Prioritize Business Processes: Documenting changes in business processes should precede the design of a training program. This step is essential for assessing how change impacts employees and identifying knowledge gaps. Utilizing change impact assessments helps connect the dots for employees between existing and future workflows.
  4. Commence Training Early: Avoid the common misconception that employee training should occur only a few weeks before rolling out changes. Instead, provide multiple rounds of training well in advance of employees needing to adopt new processes and technology and build their Ability. Frequent, spaced-out training sessions are more effective in retaining information and ensuring a smooth transition.
  5. Tailor Training to Individuals: Recognize that everyone learns differently, and a one-size-fits-all approach can result in gaps in understanding. Personalized training is ideal as it caters to individual roles and skill levels. Implement tools like change impact assessments to assess how change affects each employee and craft customized training plans accordingly.
  6. Leverage Employees as Trainers: Managers and subject matter experts, who possess a deep understanding of employees' roles, can play a pivotal role in peer-to-peer learning. In large organizations, assigning coaches to employees who understand their roles can offer personalized guidance. Train-the-trainer programs can efficiently prepare employees for new business processes and technology.
  7. Harness Mobile Technology: Considering that a significant portion of today's workforce operates remotely, incorporating mobile technology into your training strategy is vital for effective training delivery. Mobile apps, can enhance training through gamification, quizzes, and games, promoting engagement and knowledge retention. Microlearning, breaking training content into smaller, easily digestible segments, is another mobile-friendly technique that includes short videos for self-paced learning. Geo-fencing, a location-based service, can be used for microlearning, sending push notifications to employees based on their geographic location.
  8. Blend In-person and Online Training: While in-person training is favored by many, maintaining employee engagement can be challenging without incorporating online training materials. Employ multiple teaching methods, such as pre-recorded videos and demonstrations, to keep employees engaged during in-person training sessions. Online resources, including ERP vendor user communities, offer ongoing support for end users. Online training is especially effective for Millennial employees who may not respond well to traditional classroom-based training alone.


A robust training program for success: Developing an effective training strategy is paramount for the success of your ERP project or change initiative. Employee adoption plays a pivotal role in driving benefits realization.

At ProClipse Consulting, our Change Management Training consultants design comprehensive Change Management plans for companies and prioritize the role of training early in the project as part of Knowledge part in the ADKAR Model.


If you are planning significant changes within your organization, let ProClipse Consulting assist you in developing a strategy for success. 

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